2020-05-22 : Sitemesh 2.4.2 DefaultFactory 의 File.toURL() Bug


//region/subject/ 의 경로에서 동작하는 multi context tomcat 프로젝트에서 sitemesh:2.4.2 를 사용할 때 발생 오류 발생
ROOT context 는 정상적으로 동작 했지만, sub context 는 500 응답만 내려오고 에러 페이지 조차 나오지 않음
tomcat localhost 로그 : Could not read config file : /WEB-INF/sitemesh.xml: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /tomcatHome/app/region (No such file or directory)
sitemesh 파일은 /tomcatHome/app/region#subject/WEB-INF/sitemsh.xml 에 위치하는데 /tomcatHome/app/region# 까지만 읽으며 오류가 발생하고 있음


Sitemesh 의 DefaultFactory.java 에 오류가 있다.

is = configFile.toURL().openStream();

File.toURL() 은 deprecated 되었다. 올바른 변환은 File.toURI().toURL() 이다. 더 깊이 들어가보진 않았지만 # 을 제대로 처리 못 하는 듯 하다.

해결 방법

두가지 해결 방법이 있었다.

  1. 버그 수정한 custom factory 로 교체 stackOverflow Sitemesh, Cannot construct Factory : com.opensymphony.module.sitemesh.factory.DefaultFactory
  2. atlassian/sitemesh2 를 사용하는 방법.

해결 확인

Sitemesh 가 정상적으로 동작하여 jsp 가 로딩 되면 된다.

2020-05-14 : Apache HttpComponent, 2 Way TLS + Connection pool


2 way TLS (Mutual SSL/TLS 라고 불리우는 것) 을 사용하여 ConnectionPool 을 사용하면 Connection pool 이 제대로 동작하지 않고 매번 handshake 가 발생한다.
동일한 도메인이어서 같은 Route 객체가 생성됨에도 불구하고 connectionPool 에서 connection 을 lease 하지 못한다. 로그상 route allocated 가 꾸준히 증가 되는것을 확인할 수 있다.

15:55:32.563 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection request: [route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 0 of 50; total allocated: 0 of 200]
15:55:32.570 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection leased: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
15:55:32.570 o.a.http.impl.execchain.MainClientExec   : Opening connection {s}->https://services.com
15:55:34.242 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection request: [route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
15:55:34.242 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection leased: [id: 1][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 2 of 50; total allocated: 2 of 200]
15:55:34.242 o.a.http.impl.execchain.MainClientExec   : Opening connection {s}->https://services.com
15:55:35.784 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection request: [route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 2; route allocated: 2 of 50; total allocated: 2 of 200]
15:55:35.784 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection leased: [id: 2][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 2; route allocated: 3 of 50; total allocated: 3 of 200]
15:55:35.784 o.a.http.impl.execchain.MainClientExec   : Opening connection {s}->https://services.com


Connection pool 의 entry 에는 state 객체가 연결되어 있는데 route 외에도 해당 state 가 일치해야만 connection lease 를 할 수 있다. 보통 connection state 를 null 로 lease 요청을 한다. org.apache.http.pool.RouteSpecificPool.java

public E getFree(Object state) {
    if (state != null) {
        it = this.available.iterator();

        while(it.hasNext()) {
            entry = (PoolEntry)it.next();
            if (state.equals(entry.getState())) {
                return entry;

하지만 DefaultUserTokenHandler 는 2 way tls 에 대해서 X500Principal 을 저장한다. 이는 SSL Client cert 가 다양한 경우 커넥션을 새로 맺어야 올바른 보안 통신이 가능하기 때문이다.

SSLSession sslsession = ((ManagedHttpClientConnection)conn).getSSLSession();
if (sslsession != null) {
    userPrincipal = sslsession.getLocalPrincipal();


해결 방법

Client cert 이고, 한개의 인증서만 사용한다면 간단하게 우회한다.
Token (State) 를 만들 때 아무것도 넣어주지 않도록 하면 된다.
여러 Client 인증서로 다양하게 접속하여 통신하는 경우 이 솔루션을 적용하면 안된다.

this.httpClient = httpClientFactory
        .evictIdleConnections(httpClientProperties.timeToLive, httpClientProperties.timeToLiveUnit)
        .setUserTokenHandler { null }

해결 확인

커넥션이 증가하지 않고 leased/released 되는 것을 확인할 수 있다.

16:16:35.000 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection request: [route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 0 of 50; total allocated: 0 of 200]
16:16:35.007 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection leased: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:36.631 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com] can be kept alive indefinitely
16:16:36.632 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection released: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:36.645 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection request: [route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:36.646 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection leased: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:36.944 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com] can be kept alive indefinitely
16:16:36.945 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection released: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:36.948 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection request: [route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:36.948 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection leased: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:37.234 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com] can be kept alive indefinitely
16:16:37.235 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection released: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:37.238 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection request: [route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:37.238 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection leased: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 0; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]
16:16:37.616 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com] can be kept alive indefinitely
16:16:37.617 h.i.c.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager : Connection released: [id: 0][route: {s}->https://services.com][total kept alive: 1; route allocated: 1 of 50; total allocated: 1 of 200]