1. I can’t figure out why on the earth everybody feels so much contempt for bob.
  2. I can’t help laughing at him because he keeps on making stupid mistakes. He’d be the last person to learn his lesson.
  3. To make matters worse, he isn’t even conscious of annoying us.
  4. Since I was in a hurry, I put my gloves on inside out by mistake.
  5. Dave is fat and clumsy. WHen he leaped over the shallow stream, he stumbled and twisted his ankel.
  6. I’m scard of hieghts. You’re coward!
  7. The passive man seldom, If ever, expresses himself in public.
  8. Nick convinced me that all supersititions are irrational.
  9. I tremble with fear at the tought of an injection.
  10. Since bob is lazy at heart, He frequently neglects his duties.
  11. While bob was at work, Jennifer was at home absorbed in silly soap opera.
  12. Bob likes cartoons, but I don’t think much of them. As a matter of fact, they’re boring.


  1. It ouccrured to me that he was holding something back, because he wouldn’t look me in the eye.
  2. when her partience gave out, she grabbed his collar and swore at him.
  3. I must admit we quarrel every now and then, but generally we’re on good terms with each other.
  4. Do you mind if I stop by your house? No, not at all. be my guset!
  5. Hold on. I’ll be right back. don’t hang up.
  6. I can’t put you up. For one thing, my dad drops in on me from time to time.
  7. While Jennifer was standing still, Bob was pacing back and forth along the sidewalk.
  8. “Let’s make up, Lisa” “Stop taking me for granted! We’re through for good this time. I mean it.”
  9. Come on. Don’t get so emotional, Lisa I didn’t mean to hurt you. Let’s talk it over.
  10. You betrayed me. Please forgive me. How can I make it up to you. I’ll get even.
  11. You should confess your sins rather than conceal them.
  12. Keep your word; otherwiase you’ll end up losing face.
  13. Bob sticks to his moral priciples and believes that hoenysty pays off in the long run.
  14. Cheer up! you couldn’t help it. I did my best. I know. Don’t dwell one the past. You can start over.