Unit 61. be/get used to … (I’am used to …)

  • get/be used to something = it is not new or strange for me
    • ~ 에 익숙하다라는 뜻이다. 여기서 to 는 전치사다. 따라서 뒤에 명사가 와야하며 동사가 올 경우 동명사의 형태여야 한다.
    • I’m not used to the noise
  • get/be used to do something
    • I did it regularly in the past but no long do it.
    • ~ 하곤 했었다 라는 뜻이 된다.
    • I used to drive to work, but these days I usually go by bike.

Unit 62. V + preposition + ing (Succeed in -ing/insist on -ing)

  • V + preposition + Object
    • object 가 verb 일 경우 ing 형태를 취한다.
    • approve of, decided against, dream of, feel like, insist on, look forward to, succeed in, think of
  • Some verbs can have the stucture V + object + preposition + ing
    • accused … of, congratulate … on, prevent… from, stop … from, suspect … of, thank … for
  • Apologise to something for
    • I apologise to you for being late.

Unit 63. There’s no point in -ing, it’s worth -ing etc

  • be no point in doing something
    • There’s no [point inusegood] doing something.
    • There’s no point int having a car if you never use it
    • the point 는 부정일 땐 in 긍정일 땐 of 을 취한다. (What’s the point of having a car if you never use it)
  • it's worth doing someting
    • it’s worth spending a few days there.
    • doing something 없이 끝나기도 함 (You should spend a couple of days here. it’s worth it.)
    • something 없이 끝나기도 함 (it’s a great movie. it’s worth seeing.)
  • have [trouble | difficulty | a problem] doing something
    • I had no trouble finding a place to stay.
  • [spend/waste] (time) doing something
    • He spent hours trying to repair the clock.
    • (be) busy doing something 문형도 있다. (She said she couldn’t meet me. She was too busy doing other things)
  • go -ing for sports and other activities.
    • How often do you go swimming.
  • 특이한 예문
    • it’s no use standing here talking.
    • The hotel is short walk from here.